Few things can be more frustrating to a lender than a customer or an asset that has dropped off the radar completely. ACS finds them.
Our technology, superior skill, and vast agent network all come into play when helping lenders make contact with borrowers and track down collateral assets no matter where they may be. Skip tracing has been a key competency and core deliverable at ACS since we were founded in 1998.
Our skip tracing service goes beyond mere location; it encompasses a holistic approach that emphasizes effective communication and negotiation. By employing superior, time-tested strategies, ACS helps ensure that lenders can find missing parties and assets, facilitating productive dialogues and enhancing the likelihood of successful resolutions.
As an integral part of ACS’s commitment to recovery management, our skip tracing service is a testament to our dedication to minimizing risks, costs, and challenges faced by lenders. For more than two decades, ACS has been at the forefront of delivering exceptional skip tracing solutions, solidifying its position as a trusted partner in the asset-basd lending and lease finance financial industries.
Don’t wait to improve your portfolio’s performance. Contact Andrew Pace, Chief Client Experience Officer today to schedule a complimentary consultation.